I'm a Junior at the University of Michigan, where I major in Computer Science and minor in Math and Linguistics!
I work on problems in Computational Linguistics, Naturalistic Processing and Theoretical Foundations of ML.things to know about me
I love research
I do research in multimodal classifier optimality and tools for LLM evaluation under David Jurgens, lexical event complexity and sentence processing under Lisa Levinson, and theoretical bounding of Self-Supervised Learning under Scott Clayton.
Trust me, they all make sense together.
I find teaching really fun
I got a chance to TA SI670 (Graduate Applied ML) last semester, and I'm currently TA'ing SI602 (Graduate Foundations of Data Science Math) and I've never had more fun.
From helping make homeworks, to designing lecture slides, all of it is so much fun.
I'm making a language
As a big fan of both mathematical linguistics and sociolinguistics, I thought the best way understand both deeper is to make a language from the ground up.
Here's the catch - it has no verbs.
I do math-y side projects
A favorite in the recent past was working on predictive spectral analysis to improve multi-timestep parallelism for hodge decomposition.
I'm currently working on a queueing theory project, because I love traffic optimization!